Surgery Solutions
To Relieve Pain

Posterior Screw Fixation

The spine is comprised of vertebrae, discs, joints, plates and ligaments. Back pain may come about because of damage or degeneration “wearing out” of these structures delivering degenerative disc disease. Spondylolithesis (spine slippage), aspect Arthropathy (exhausted and thickened feature joints), and Spinal Stenosis (joint inflammation squeezing spinal nerves). Traditional surgery for these conditions included large incisions at the midline skin entry points, retractions and withdrawal of the muscles, increase blood loss, and bone removal. This brought about muscle and delicate tissue harm delivering increase post-op pain and delayed recovery.

MIS Posterior screw fixation has advanced to the use of percutaneous systems, specific spinal instrumentation, use of tiny cameras(endoscopic) and magnifying instruments made negligibly invasive spine surgery conceivable. Points of interest of minimally invasive spine surgery are little skin entry points, muscle expansion instead of withdrawal using size increasing dilators, reduced bone removal(laminotomy) and blood loss. Significant diminishing of pain post-op and quicker recovery time after surgery.

Minimally invasive lumbar fusion surgery involves the decompression, fusion and instrumentation of the spine through minimally invasive techniques.

What is involved in MIS Posterior screw fixation surgery:

  • The levels of affected vertebra are identified with X-Ray.
  • Specialized needles (Jamshidi needles) are placed via the pedicle (strongest area of bone in the spine) into the spine.
  • The skin and soft tissues are sequentially dilated. K-wire and dilator tubes are placed into each pedicle (strongest area of bone in the spine). Intra-operative real time neuro-monitoring is utilized to ensure that spinal cords, nerves and neural structures were protected out of the surgical field.
  • Pedicle screws are placed over the wire into the spine.
  • Pre-contoured rods are placed to connect the screws and locked in place.
  • Dissolvable sutures are placed and a small bandage will cover the incision site.
  • The patient will be instructed to wear a back brace to support recovery and encourage proper healing.

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Foraminal Stenosis

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Free Pain Quiz

Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. We will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors.

Free MRI Review

Receive a free MRI Review from a top trained spine surgeon in Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spine Surgery Techniques