The iFuse Implant System was developed as a minimally invasive surgical option for patients who have failed non-surgical options for some causes of sacroiliac joint pain. Over the last several years more than 20,000 procedures have been performed and over 1,000 surgeons have been trained to provide this option for their patients.
The sacroiliac joint normally known as the SI joint is the joint between your spine and pelvis. The SI joint can get to be harmed or create “wear and tear” joint inflammation called degeneration; this might be more regular after lumbar combination surgery. When this happens individuals may feel pain in their low back, butt cheek and hip. The pain is most generally situated in the zone of your back jean pocket. This pain might be brought on or declined by lifting, strolling, and running or notwithstanding mulling over the included side.
SI joint pain may copy degenerative plate illness (DDD) or joint pain in the aspect joints (feature arthropathy). Individuals with back, butt cheek and hip pain require a history and physical exam to figure out whether SI joint might be the reason for the pain. CT scans and MRI imagine is useful in diagnosing SI joint issues as well as diagnostic injections.
When a diagnostic injection is done using fluoroscopy(live x-ray), a small needle is placed into the SI joint and medication is infused. In the event that the reduction of pain is diminished by no less than 75%, then the SI joint might be either the source or generator your pain. This treatment is also therapeutic and can aid in the advancement of conservative treatments.
Starting conservative treatment is exercise based recuperation, physical rehabilitation, and possibly the use of oral medications. Pelvic belt may give some pain alleviation. If a patient has exhausted all forms of SI Joint injections, procedures, and treatments, then surgery might be considered.
Conventional surgery required extensive entry point, noteworthy tissue harm and long recuperation time. Today there is a minimally invasive alternative. The method includes the percutaneous position of 2 to 3 little titanium inserts over the SI joint through a little entry point. These inserts settle and breaker the joint. The method takes around 60 minutes and patients generally are released home that day.
Today, Minimally Invasive Spine-AZ is proud to offer the most cutting-edge minimally obtrusive procedures currently available. For SI joint adjustment to perform a highly propelled method that rectifies and stabilizes the joint without complicated open surgery. Our surgeon is in the blink of an eye, one of the few surgeons in the area with the broad knowledge required to perform the methodology in order to correct issues with the SI Joint.
Surgically, we offer an insignificantly invasive approach, usually involving three small, highly durable titanium plates that are embedded across the SI joint to stabilize it and relieve the continuous agony and discomfort a patient may feel.
- We perform a state-of-the-art procedure that uses an aide pin to place the titanium inserts crosswise over the sacroiliac joint. These small implants were specially planned to correct the SI joint by allowing the surgeon to stabilize it without the long, involved open surgery.
- The entire procedure is precisely performed through a small entry point, usually along the side of your buttock. The inserts fuse the heavily loaded SI joint while the full length of the surgery takes just about an hour.
- Our talented surgeon performs this procedure in an innovative outpatient setting, with patients for the most part allowed to return home the same day or after just a single night.
- Because of our focus on minimally invasive techniques, there is usually less blood misfortune, less scarring and less trauma to surrounding muscle and tissue. As a result, patients generally experience speedier recovery times and a speedier return to their daily life and exercises.

Bulging Disc
A bulging disc is quite common, and usually remains undetected until the disc bulge comes in contact with adjacent nerves leading to pain and other symptoms.

Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is not truly a disease, but more of a chain of events that naturally occur as we age. There is no avoiding degenerative disc disease, but you may slow its progress.

Disc Tear
As the outer shell of your disc begins to toughen or dry up, a painful crack or tear could happen. Learn what a disc tear is, and how you can recover from it.

Failed Back & Neck Surgery
There are many reasons why back or neck surgery may provide lackluster results. Bad diagnosis, unskilled surgeon, or improper healing; which is it?

Facet Joint Syndrome
Facet Joint Syndrome refers to the degeneration of the arthritic changes that occur in your facet joints. Age and daily wear and tear are the most common culprits.

Foraminal Stenosis
Foraminal Stenosis describes the narrowing of the foramen. As the foramen narrows, exiting nerves can become compressed causing pain and other symptoms.
Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. We will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors.
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