There are two main scenarios for revision spine surgery. In some cases a patient has spine surgery that creates an even more painful condition than the surgery was meant to treat. More commonly, the patient will have had a successful surgery and now several months or years later the pain is coming back.
Revision surgery is not always due to an error or mistake of a previous operation. Common reasons for revision surgery include such problems as pseudoarthrosis (failure to achieve solid fusion) which may be due to poor tissue healing. It is also important to consider that the spine is a living and dynamic structure. Even after apparent successful surgery the function and shape of the spine can deteriorate requiring further surgery to remedy a problem.
Revision surgery is a complex field and each patient must be evaluated and treated in a very individual manner to understand what is causing the problem and how best to address it.
Revision surgery can be more complicated than the original surgery because the normal spinal anatomy has already been altered. It may be more difficult to free nerve structures and place instrumentation if necessary. Additionally, the presence of scar tissue from a previous surgery can make the revision procedure technically more challenging. Finally, in the setting of revision surgery, it can be difficult to know exactly what the surgeon encountered during the first procedure and what precise steps were performed during that operation. It should also be noted that revision surgery can involve issues of re-balancing the spine and this is a much more challenging task when portions of the spine have been fused and are no longer mobile. In order to re-balance the spine in such a setting requires significant expertise when osteomies are necessary.
While there are special considerations for revision surgery, the important thing to consider is that the purpose of any spine surgery is to improve your chances for a productive and pain-free life. Our surgeons are experts in the special challenges posed by revision surgery.

Bulging Disc
A bulging disc is quite common, and usually remains undetected until the disc bulge comes in contact with adjacent nerves leading to pain and other symptoms.

Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is not truly a disease, but more of a chain of events that naturally occur as we age. There is no avoiding degenerative disc disease, but you may slow its progress.

Disc Tear
As the outer shell of your disc begins to toughen or dry up, a painful crack or tear could happen. Learn what a disc tear is, and how you can recover from it.

Failed Back & Neck Surgery
There are many reasons why back or neck surgery may provide lackluster results. Bad diagnosis, unskilled surgeon, or improper healing; which is it?

Facet Joint Syndrome
Facet Joint Syndrome refers to the degeneration of the arthritic changes that occur in your facet joints. Age and daily wear and tear are the most common culprits.

Foraminal Stenosis
Foraminal Stenosis describes the narrowing of the foramen. As the foramen narrows, exiting nerves can become compressed causing pain and other symptoms.
Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. We will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors.
Receive a free MRI Review from a top trained spine surgeon in Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spine Surgery Techniques
Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. We will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors.
Receive a free MRI Review from a top trained spine surgeon in Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spine Surgery Techniques